Get Married Without Money 👰🤵‍ Simple and CHEAP Wedding Ideas!

Did you know it’s possible to get married WITHOUT money?? Just use these simple and cheap wedding ideas!
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“We’re waiting to get married until we’ve paid off our debt and saved enough money for a nice wedding and an even better honeymoon.”

This statement is problematic on many different levels. Yes, being 20-something and planning an awesome wedding on a budget can be challenging, but not impossible. What does this mean for you? It means you can still get married in your 20s – even if you are both young and super broke. Yes, wedding planning can get pricey, if you let it. But, you can come up with inexpensive wedding ideas if you are creative. So, what can you do if you and your fiancée are in your 20s with little-to-no money to contribute to a wedding? A lot.

What you shouldn’t do
What you shouldn’t do, however, is prolong getting married simply because you are young and in debt or have a tight wedding budget. If you put your heart into planning the wedding, you’ll find ways to make it just as beautiful and magical as one of those fancier, more expensive ones. All you and your fiancée need to plan the perfect wedding is love and an ability to think outside-of-the-box. So, who’s ready to get married now?

The purpose of a wedding is to celebrate the commitment and joining of two people, who are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together – not to throw the most lavish wedding you can to impress your attendants. Low budget wedding solutions, low budget wedding venues, and cheap destination weddings won’t make your day any less special!

For Actionable Steps on how to make your wedding cheaper, click here:

How To Get Married In Your 20s When You’re Both Broke

#budgetwedding #weddingbudgetguide #weddingplanning

▬▬ A GUIDE FOR YOUR 20s ▬▬

As with most companies, the idea started with a problem. After searching online for common questions people have in their 20s, we were surprised by the inability to find free quality answers. Writers were posting guidance for young adults without having any experience or degree in the topic. Websites were hard to navigate. Even the highest quality content lacked actionable steps, leading to a ‘what next?’ feeling. If there was a perfect solution, it always had a price tag. Not worth it.

So, we created ‘A Guide for Your 20s’. Slowly, the platform gained professional writers who could offer REAL professional guidance to young adults and provide valuable lessons everyone should learn. Together, we aim to make life easier, happier, and healthier for young adults through simple, actionable articles and short life lesson videos. We’re positioned as a digital guide to help young adults get through life in their 20s. We have Shorter Version summaries in each article (for those that are busy) and Longer Versions (for those that enjoy the details). Each article includes actionable steps to help drive change in your life. Professionals and experts from around the world write articles on the platform.

Check out our articles about figuring out life in your 20s →

So, why professionals and experts? We want you to feel confident that this online resource for young adults is filled with valuable information. Articles are written by someone who has professional experience in the topic. We classify a professional as someone with a degree and 5+ years of experience or 10+ years of experience in the topic. Why do we require this? There’s a great book by Malcolm Gladwell about this – essentially 10,000 hours is the key to success in a field (1 year = 2,000 hours. 5 years = 10,000 hours). Information about the author is included at the end of their posts, so you can see for yourself.

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