27 Unique and Romantic Christmas Proposal Ideas


As the festive period marks the start of proposal season, we’ve got the most romantic Christmas proposal ideas guaranteed to get you the ‘yes’ you’re after.


Christmas Proposal Ideas

You’ve mulled it over and chosen the perfect ring – but now it’s time to think about how you’re actually going to pop the question.

With the festive period adding an air of magic and the long, cold nights bringing out our romantic sides, it’s no wonder Christmas is one of the most popular times of year to propose.

But while you may not be alone in popping the question over Christmas, you’ll want to make sure your proposal is as unique and special as your relationship. Read our top romantic Christmas proposal ideas below.

27 Unique and Romantic Christmas Proposal Ideas

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Advent Calendar

Proposals are a bit of a whirlwind, a magical moment, huge rush of emotion – and then it’s over, and you’re engaged. Why not prolong the happy occasion throughout the festive period with a DIY advent calendar proposal. Each door could give a hint or a reason why you love your partner, with the big question saved for the big door on Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day).

12 Days of Christmas

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You could also pay homage to the ’12 Days of Christmas’ tradition with your proposal, gifting your partner with smaller gifts and then presenting the ring on the 12th day of Christmas.

A Mince Pie Surprise

Not just a delicious festive treat, we’re a bit obsessed with the idea of a mince pie as a bed for a big old diamond ring. Just make sure you look before gobbling it down in one.

Christmas Lights

Whether you’re opting for a backdrop of fabulously festive fairy lights or going the whole hog and spelling out your proposal with Christmas lights, this proposal is guaranteed to be picture perfect.

Romantic Christmas Proposal Ideas


Christmas Candle Proposal

Candles and romance go together like cheese and fine wine, strawberries and chocolate, tea and a perfectly dunkable biscuit – you get the idea. So set the scene with a dark-candle lit room, blankets, maybe a roaring fire and then bring out a bloomin’ adorable proposal candle.

Breakfast in Bed

Who doesn’t love breakfast in bed? Throw in a Christmas setting and stunning diamond engagement ring and you’ll be sure to get the ‘yes’ you’re after (plus some serious brownie points).

Say it With a Mug

Perhaps to tie in with the whole breakfast in bed set up, pop the question without actually having to pop the question thanks to a mug with a hidden message.



Or perhaps these slightly presumptuous matching mugs.



Romantic Walk

Make the most of another Christmas tradition and turn the obligatory Christmas Day walk into the destination for your Christmas proposal. Hopefully the weather gods will be on-side and there’ll be bright winter sun and a flurry of light snowfall just as you ask those all-important four words.

Hit the Slopes

While not everyone has three foot of snow on their doorstep, if it’s a winter wonderland vibe you’re after, why not book a romantic trip to the slopes to pop your question? There’s something about the alpine air which makes us giddy with love (or it could just be the altitude).


Proposal on Ice

Name a more Christmassy activity than ice-skating? If fancy yourself a bit of a skating pro, show off your moves on the ice and wow your partner with a picturesque proposal. However, if you’re more like Bambi on ice, it’s also a great way to style out a big fall by switching over to one knee and popping the question.

Write a heartfelt Christmas Card

Sometimes keeping things simple can be the secret to success. This can also be true when it comes to Christmas proposal ideas. Tell your partner how much you love them before asking them to marry you within a heartfelt card.

Not On The Hight Street

Order now from Not On The High Street

On the Door Step (A Love Actually Moment)

Channel that scene from everyone’s favourite Christmas film, Love Actually, with a doorstep proposal.

At a Christmas Market

Double up a fabulously festive day out with a romantic proposal at one of the UK’s best Christmas markets. This can then become a lovely anniversary tradition.


Under The Mistletoe

It’s not Christmas without a cheeky kiss under the mistletoe. Step it up a notch and once you’ve got them under the mistletoe tell your partner to close their eyes, while you then produce the ring or drop down on one knee.

Spell it in Snow

If you’ve been lucky enough to have some heavier snowfall in the run-up to Christmas, make the most of the white stuff by drawing out your proposal in the snow.

Christmas Day Proposal Ideas


Christmas Tree Proposal

Hide the ring box in the branches of the Christmas tree. Then, just when they think they’ve opened all their presents, tell your partner there’s an extra little something in the tree.

Christmas Cracker Proposal

Customise your Christmas crackers and make sure your partner pulls the one with a ring and a ‘will you marry me?’ message inside. Top tip: Use a fake ‘proposal ring‘ for this one, so the real thing doesn’t fly across the room when the cracker pops.

Personalised Christmas Bauble

Another way to pop the question on Christmas day is with a personalised proposal bauble on the tree. Tell your partner you’ve added a new decoration to the tree and watch them try to work out which one. They’ll definitely be in for a surprise once they spot it.

Another way to pop the question on Christmas day is with a personalised proposal bauble on the tree. Tell your partner you’ve added a new decoration to the tree and watch them try to work out which one. They’ll definitely be in for a surprise once they spot it.

A Box Inside a Box, Inside a Box etc…

Throw off the scent of a proposal and fool your partner into thinking you’ve bought them something completely different by hiding the ring box in a series of bigger boxes. Sure, they’ll probably be confused and mildly annoyed at the series of empty boxes, but any frustrations will be thrown out the window when they reach the final, perfect little box.

Christmas Treasure Hunt

Mix up the traditional present giving with a fun treasure hunt on Christmas morning, leading to that all-important ring as you ask the big question.

Family Christmas Photo

This is a great way to get the whole family involved in your Christmas proposal idea and captures the moment forever. However, it involves impeccable timing. Get everyone in position for a family photo, either set up on timer or rope some one in to take the shot. Then just as the flash goes and they picture is about to be taken, drop down on one knee or produce the ring. A picture says a thousand words, after all…

Christmas Proposal Ideas After Christmas Day

Boxing Day Proposal

The day after Christmas can often feel a little anticlimactic after all the fun of Christmas Day. Keep the festivities going with a surprise Boxing Day proposal.

New Years Eve Proposal Ideas



Beautifully coloured fireworks can provide a stunning back drop for a festive proposal. Your partner may be so engrossed in the display, they may not notice you surreptitiously preparing to pop the question.

If you’re feeling flashy, splash out on some fireworks to spell out ‘Marry Me’? Or you could give it a go yourself with sparklers.

Midnight Kiss

It’s tradition to see in the New Year with a kiss at midnight to ward off loneliness in the year to come. Step things up with a midnight New Year’s Eve proposal to see in the new year as newly engaged couple.

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