Doing your own wedding makeup?

DIY wedding makeup? I would, would you?

Lipliner lashes & brush TheGodleyGlow.comGetting married can be a monumental us occasion in anyone’s life. It is also a huge financial undertaking, with the way things have been going lately in the world it’s no wonder you may be considering doing your own #WeddingMakeUp

If you or somebody you know is in this boat then definitely consider booking a one-on-one with me so I can help guide you through this super important milestone in your life.

If you’re pretty decent at doing your own everyday makeup but there are chances that you can successfully do your wedding day makeup without hiring a professional artist… If you have a look in mind contact me and I can help you figure out whether or not this is something you can achieve on your own.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to the wedding makeup so this is my take on the type of makeup I like to wear every day with a little bit more structure and a little bit more depth… I love neutral and warm bronzy tones I generally prefer more matte eyeshadow than shimmer because it photographs a little bit better and I kept the face very plain because I didn’t want to photograph too heavy.

Click the link in my bio to book a one on one with me and we can figure this out together.

#MakeupArtist #Make-UpEducator #MakeUpClasses #OnlineMake-UpClasses #LosAngelesWeddingMakeUp #WeddingMakeupArtist #WeddingPhotography #GettingMarried #GettingMarriedInLosAngeles #LosAngelesWedding

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